ADAPTABLE TO VARIOUS CLIMATES & SOIL CONDITIONS: PC2.0 Bentgrass thrives across diverse USDA zones (4-10), easily adapting to various climates and soil types, including sandy and well-drained clay soils. Ideal for golf courses or home lawns, this grass seed is suitable for creating lush green grass in warmer regions like Florida as well as cooler climates.
THRIVES IN SANDY & CLAY SOILS: Unlike many grasses, Penncross Creeping Bentgrass performs exceptionally well on sandy soils and tolerates clay soils when properly drained, making it versatile across different landscapes. This seed is optimal for sandy soil lawns, establishing a vibrant green grass cover that endures over time.
LOW NUTRIENT & MOWING REQUIREMENTS: PC2.0 Creeping Bentgrass requires only 1-2 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet annually, helping to minimize nutrient needs while ensuring a lush, green lawn. With a recommended mowing height for putting greens between 3/16 and 5/16 inch, this no-mow grass seed option is flexible for both professional and DIY lawn projects.
IDEAL FOR DIY HOME PUTTING GREENS: Homeowners can easily create a professional-grade putting green turf with our PC2.0 Penncross Bentgrass. Its fine texture and dense growth make it a top choice for backyard putting greens, transforming lawns into lush, grass greens surfaces with ease. For best results, sow 1-2 pounds per 1,000 square feet for an even, year-round green lawn.
SUPERB RESISTANCE IN BUSY AREAS: Our PC2.0 (Penncross) Creeping Bentgrass seed is specially designed for durability and high resistance to wear, making it an ideal option for busy areas like putting greens, fairways, and golf tees. With its dense, upright growth, this bentgrass type competes strongly against Poa annua, ensuring your lawn stays in top condition.